We all need some tenderness: the new Tenderly campaign created By the Armando Testa Group.

“Hey, adults, listen to us!”
That’s how the new Tenderly campaign starts off: with a special call that’s impossible not to listen to because the ones calling out are lots of kids sitting on their potties and what they are saying to us is more important than ever: “everyone of us needs some tenderness… and not only when we are doing our business”
After a pitch held in recent months, the Armando Testa Group has developed a strategy for Lucart and the Tenderly brand which goes right to the deepest meaning of the word “tenderness” and its essential value in life today.
A distinctive campaign created with totally original language for this product category. We’ve been called to listen to the real voices of lots of kids who can “see far ahead” and, starting from a product that we use every day, an important message with much deeper value is conveyed.
The ad was produced by the Armando Testa Studios and directed by Andrea Pecora. It has been on air since 10 March on TV and digital with cuts of 30” and 15”. Programming on radio and other offline media will follow. Media planning managed by EssenceMediacom.
The Armando Testa Group has also developed a social strategy which includes the publication over the whole year of a long series of contents in line with fundamental idea of the campaign, conceived to give even greater weight.
“Tenderness and softness have accompanied consumers of Tenderly by now for two generations and with this ad we wanted to convey even more – comments Giovanni Monti, Corporate Sales & Marketing Director Consumer of Lucart. “The Armando Testa agency won us over with this story of tenderness coming from kids. The storytelling is simple and pure and we hope it will have a lasting place in the eyes and hearts of all viewers.”
“We are very happy to undertake this journey with Lucart dedicated to tenderness. This is a value we always need, above all now when the world seems so complicated! Tenderness is a universal language that everyone understands, from the youngest to the oldest. And if the kids say so, then it is worth listening to them! – comments Michele Mariani, Executive Creative Director of the Armando Testa Group
Client: Lucart S.p.A.
Agency: Armando Testa S.p.A.
Executive Creative Director: Michele Mariani
Creative Team: Andrea Lantelme, Federico Bonenti, Sara Greco
Client Service: Gina Graci
Head of Social Content: Valentina Salaro
Social Media Manager: Fabio Cuscunà, Sara Zavattaro
Social Media Creative Team: Caterina Maliardi, Ilaria Lavagnolo
Production Company: Armando Testa Studios
Director: Andrea Pecora
DOP: Luca Costantini
Photo shots: I Pignas, Marco Pignatelli
Music: Sing Sing Music