Regina Margherita Hospital in Turin, the School of Hygiene Specialties, Piedmont-Aosta Valley Oncology Network with Armando Testa for the new anti HPV campaign.

The new social campaign to promote papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination starts off with a strong, thought-provoking question, “What would you do for love?”
The equally strong answer is “The real act of love is to get yourself vaccinated against HPV.”
The communication project, started from an initiative of the Regina Margherita Hospital in Turin, the School of Hygiene Specialties and the Piedmont-Aosta Valley Oncology Network.
Armando Testa is an agency that has always been sensitive to social issues, and they enthusiastically embraced the project, designing two-stage creativity where the tone of voice directly addresses young people.
The soundtrack for the operation is a freestyle song by rapper Shade, composed specifically for the campaign, to emphasise the link with the target audience.
The integrated project, with planning by Media Italia, lands on a number of touchpoints: digital billboards throughout the city, print ads, radio, a video featured on the web platform and social channels of
A guerrilla operation throughout the city of Turin ran before the campaign went on air. On the morning of 14th February, Valentine’s Day, a giant 30-meter banner appeared on the bridge crossing the river Po, completely unbranded, but with just one question “What would you do for love?” At the same time stickers and cards appeared around the city asking the same question: these two linked action exploited the viral potential of this street approach and the importance of the social content for the target.
Numerous talents were enthusiastic and generous in adding their image to the cause: the motor bike GP champion Francesco (Pecco) Bagnaia with his wife Domizia Castagnini, the rapper Shade, creative director Eleonora Carisi, artist and content creator Pietro Morello, psychologist and creator Psicologa Cruda.
Agency: Armando Testa
Executive Creative Director: Michele Mariani
Creative Directors: Gabriella De Stefano, Paolo Fenoglio, Andrea Lantelme
Head of Social Content: Valentina Salaro
Client Director: Gina Graci
Producton: AT Studios
Directors: Luca Grafner and Oscar Grafner
DOP: Alessandro Garelli
Photography: Massimo Bellotto
Song Lyrics: Shade
Planning: Media Italia