Bianca Atzei is the new Ambassador of Aptamil 2.

Danone has entrusted Armando Testa with the communication for their brand Aptamil2 and it includes an exceptional partnership: the brand has started collaborating with Bianca Atzei, the Italian singer who has recently become a mum. She now becomes the new brand ambassador.

«We chose Bianca Atzei as the ambassador for Aptamil 2 because we believe that thanks to her personal experience as a new parent, she’ll be able to communicate our brand values to our target in an authentic way» adds Yoann Steri, Digital and Data Director Danone Italy

Right from the start Bianca Atzei started to share her experience as little Noa’s mum with her more than 920 thousand followers on Instagram in an authentic and delicate way, paying attention to her audience. These are the values that the brand and the artist share and led to this important collaboration.

Bianca Atzei describes her personal experience as a new mum and her relationship with   Aptamil 2 formula milk.

I started using Aptamil 2 after it was recommended by my paediatrician. I feel totally confident giving my son   Aptamil follow-on milk to help him grow because I know how important research is for a company that, for years, has had the needs of our children at heart. I am proud to belong to this great family.”

Bianca Atzei declares

The collaboration will help promote the whole Aptamil 2 range– which has always offered specific cutting-edge products to suit every need and is inspired by more than 50 years’ research into breast milk – but also to better publicise new products: the revolutionary Aptamil Tabs 2 format: the first and only milk in pre-dosed tabs.

Why does this represent a revolution in preparing baby’s bottle?

  • The precise dose of the pre-measured tabs makes preparing a bottle at any time of the day, so much easier. From the first bottle of the morning to the last one at night, at home or out of home;
  • The tabs have been created using advanced technology, using compressed air-compact powder, without adding other ingredients, and they dissolve quickly;
  • As a result, the bottle is easier to prepare with less product waste compared with powder formula.

Discover the whole range of Aptamil 2 follow-on milks:

  • Aptamil Profutura 2, our best formula inspired by research on breast milk.
  • Aptamil Nutribiotik 2, the innovative formula to support your immune system.  
  • Aptamil Tabs 2, the only follow-on milk in pre-dosed tabs to make it easier to prepare baby’s bottle at any time of the day.

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The Armando Testa Group welcomes Alessandro Padalino.

Alessandro Padalino is returning to the Armando Testa Turin Group taking up the position of Deputy Executive Creative Director.

Alessandro got his training in Armando Testa, before pursuing an international career which first of all took him to Herezie Paris, then Publicis Conseil Paris, and more recently to Le Pub Milan.

He returns to Armando Testa to take on an important challenge, to give new impetus to the AT identity and philosophy, exploiting the experience he has gained internationally. 

His return marks the first step in a wide-ranging renewal project which will involve all departments of the agency in the coming months. 

“I am very proud and motivated to make my contribution to Armando Testa. This is a homecoming for me, I know the agency well, it has a beautiful history with major, important clients, and this is an ambitious and exciting project” comments Alessandro Padalino.

“Alessandro’s return will certainly inject new enthusiasm into the agency. In a market which is getting more and more complex we realise that certain objectives can only be achieved thanks to team work, and you get results when you exploit the contribution from everyone. The Armando Testa of today is the result of lots of voices and when they are united they become an even stronger voice, and the arrival of Alessandro Padalino goes straight in that direction” adds Michele Mariani, Executive Creative Director of the Armando Testa Group.

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The Parmareggio little mice are back in communication with GranTerre butter and mascarpone, created by the Armando Testa Group

GranTerre, the large-scale Italian company that brings together excellent brands of cold cuts and mature cheeses is communicating again with a new multi-media campaign dedicated to Parmareggio butter and Gran Terre Mascarpone.  The new project is part of the communication format featuring the platter of Goodness, created by the Armando Testa Group for all the products from the GranTerre Group.

Emiliano and Ersilia, the famous irresistible little mice, are the stars of the campaign. This time little Enzino joins them as they give us an expert guided tour to discover the factory where butter and mascarpone are made.  Here a prized and impeccable machine is able to transform the delicious cream from milk, exclusively from dairies in Emilia, into butter and mascarpone with an unmistakeable flavour in just a few steps. 

The campaign was conceived to highlight the great quality and features of the products, but always with a light-hearted, fun spirit which is typical of the adventures of the Parmareggio family of mice. 

The campaign has been on air since 8th October on main TV and radio stations and on digital and social networks. 


Executive Creative Direction:  Nicola Cellemme, Georgia Ferraro 

Creative Team: Chiara Demichelis, Cristina Macchi, Marcello Maiorana, Mariacarmen Ranieri 

Client Director: Emanuele Cicogna Mozzoni 

Account Team: Chiara Simone, Matteo De Donà 

3D Production Company: H7-25

Audio Production Company: Quiet,Please!; Screenplay 

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La tua casa, la tua storia” (Your home, your story). The Tescoma campaign created by Armando Testa is preparing another chapter, and is dedicating three fairy-tale illustrations to women.

In spring 2020, the Armando Testa creative and strategic team, along with the marketing team from Tescoma, developed a campaign based on a very important insight, in fact it had even greater meaning because of the situation we were all experiencing at the time, since we were in full lockdown.

Starting off from the concept of the home, and from the analysis of the changes in the way we experience our homes, it emerges that the “home” is no longer just the physical place where we live, but above all an emotional rather than functional space.  It is the setting for personal unique stories, comprising our relationships, flavours and attitudes.

From that came the idea to tap into the most powerful worlds of collective imagination: fairy tales. So, inspired by the most timeless and beautiful fairy tales, the campaign uses lightness and a touch of irony to show us those slices of life when people and Tescoma products come together to create special moments. After all, the very nature of Tescoma products, designed specifically to simplify life for anyone who uses them, makes them the perfect co-stars of a story close to people: a young dad with his little daughter who is hungrier than the wolf, a sweet Alice surrounded by amazing perfumes, a mum with seven kids preparing something good for them in a nanosecond….

The campaign was developed to be multi-media and it is planned for TV, digital, press, outdoor, radio and points of sale. It brought the brand even closer to its target and succeeded in publicising Tescoma’s offers and latest launches in a direct, emphatic way, so very effective, and has led to excellent sales performance.

After two years, and while already looking to the future, the desire was to celebrate the “fairy tales” chapter, with a style that was closely connected to the theme of the campaign: illustrated fairy tales.  Three subjects, three products, three female stars, and three illustrators chosen from both the Italian and international scene.

Michelangelo Rossino brought a modern and ironic Snow-White witch to life who started Springtime barbeques, Lucie Queffelec created an unprecedented female version of Hercules, on 1st May she celebrated women and mums, she who are a force every day, and then finally Giovanni Esposito, aka Quasirosso, who created the third illustration, issued on 4th October: a young Cinderella, super happy to park her pumpkin to enjoy a coffee as good as at a bar.

Three subjects where Tescoma wanted to put women centre stage as a strong figure, fundamental in all her aspects, celebrating with her strength, uniqueness, determination and that typically female irony that women know how to use every day to change the rules, and write their own. Naturally with Tescoma products always by her side, just like a little dose of magic in everyday life.

 “La tua casa la tua storia” (Your home, your story) will continue over the coming months and Armando Testa’s creative and strategic kitchen is already at work on the ingredients of how it is going to evolve, but the heroines and heroes of the tales told will always be used to remind us that every one of us is special, and when we’re at home with those we love, even more so.


Creative Direction: Monica Pirocca and Michela Sartorio

Client Director: Benedetta Buzzoni

Head of Strategy: Guglielmo Pezzino

Creative Team: Chiara De Michelis, Quentin Chatelin

Account: Francesca Toschi

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With Deborah Milano and InTesta, your look hits a pro level.

There are lots of mascaras on the market: they might give greater volume, length and definition.

But only one high performing mascara lets your look really jump to a higher level, and gives your lashes the effect of an extension worthy of any professional beauty salon. Which one? A PRO mascara, obviously.

This is the insight behind Deborah Milano’s new TV campaign, created by InTesta – Armando Testa Group, for the communication of the innovative mascara Like a PRO Volume extension effect. This product with surprising qualities, was inspired by the most popular lash treatment in lashmakingcentres.

The beautiful star of the video has an intense and magnetic gaze, and she shows us that it is not necessary to subject yourself to lengthy, expensive sessions in a beauty salon to get full, long and defined lashes – just like after applying extensions. All you need is a few applications off the right mascara to ensure your look immediately reaches a “PRO level”.

You can recognise the winning features of this product with just one glance: an innovative elastomer spiral applicator that envelops the lashes at 360° and guarantees precise application, without clumping and a texture with a shiny, super elastic formula and a vinyl consistency. For wow-effect lashes, with extreme volume and infinite length, comparable to the results obtained in a professional salon.

The mood of the ad is glam and pop – it is set in a salon that reminds us of the colours and graphics of the packaging. We wanted to draw a parallel with the professional world, making ring lights of different sizes the protagonists of the scenography. This is not just an indispensable accessory for a lashmakeror a professional beautician, but a tool able to magnify the beauty of someone’s look as well as all the details of the product.

The campaign was directed by Giorgio Neri, and also includes a version dedicated to the new Like a PRO with Hyaluronic acid (ideal to give a hydration and nourishment boost to your eyelashes). This is the first 20” TV ad to air on all broadcasters from 17 September.

The entire communication for the Like a PRO range is also supported by a digital campaign, with shorter cuts for social use, and an influencer marketing campaign.


• Agency: InTesta – Armando Testa Group

• Executive Creative Directors: Nicola Cellemme, Georgia Ferraro

• Creative Team: Chiara Panattoni, Carlotta Gilardi

• Client Director: Laura Alberti

• Account Executive: Erika Gentile

• Production Company: Albatros Film

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Peuterey and Armando Testa launch the new advertising campaign “Made To Resist Extreme Dream Conditions”

Peuterey’s new campaign “Made to resist extreme dream conditions” explores imaginative scenarios was created by Armando Testa. High performance, resistant and subtle. New dreamers, heroes of adventures at the limits between reality and fantasy  are  the stars of the 2023/24 fall-winter campaign.  The visual concept, created using a range of artificial intelligence tools, combines the worlds of painting and animation. 

Peuterey has set off on a journey of discovery where their proposals for the coming season can be seen in the midst of surreal settings which come to life thanks to the creative talent of photographer and director Alberto Maria Colombo as well as the innovative use of AI. The contemporary storytelling of the brand can be defined by this experimental dimension which investigates new expressive potential. The spectacular non-existent scenarios featured include a habitat of butterflies, an underwater eco-system, a lunar promenade or rainfall of umbrellas. «The artworks were created in collaboration with the illustrator Anna Paladini using AI “text to image” technology where a text input provides an image output», Colombo explains. 

Each scenario is the result of generating around 1,500-2.000 photos. To best achieve the mood of the campaign, the illustrator concentrated on writing prompts able to suggest imaginative scenarios, incorporating some technical script to manage the colour palette, harmonized with the colours of the garments. The editing and digital painting enabled building a perfect setting around the collection.

A video created by creative coder Ümüt Yildiz using AI “stable diffusion” completes the project.  It includes the activation of a personalised code to animate the static images, bringing them to life and making them move while still maintaining the same pictorial style of the illustrations. This makes the Peuterey project stand out and it is at the forefront compared to what has been done to date and what has been possible using AI to animate the surreal world created for still images, ensuring continuity with the aesthetics and language between the photographic and the video campaigns.  

With their pioneering take on fashion, thanks to which Peurerey has managed to carve out a unique contact point bridging the fluidity of technical garments and urban style, the company now continues to explore new worlds and landscapes where you might want to live.  The storytelling in the campaign promotes the high performance and up to date aspects of this winter season collection, charaterised by its minimal style and excellent materials. 

Developed for print, outdoor, digital video and social media, “Made to resist extreme dream conditions” has been on air since 15 August with planning at the international level.  


Peuterey S.r.l.

Brand team: Cristina Castelli, Giovanni Lusini

Armando Testa S.p.A.

Executive Creative Direction : Michele Mariani

Creative Team: Barbara Ghiotti, Antonella Raso, Chiara Bonventre

Client Director: Stefano Salvatore

Account Executive: Martina Conterio

Social media Team: Fabio Cuscunà, Sara Zavattaro

Photographer and director: Alberto Maria Colombo

Illustratrator: Anna Paladini 

Production Company: Armando Testa Studios

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A trip around the natural habitat of food preservation: Cuki launches the campaign for the new Cuki App Save the Food with Armando Testa.

Anyone never found themselves freezing left over food and then storing it in a back corner of the freezer and then forgetting all about it, so running the risk that it is wasted?

A freezer is a domestic appliance in almost every home, but often instead of being a tool we use every day it becomes a place unexplored for long periods of time.

Cuki’s mission has always been food preservation and fighting waste, and it now launches the new Cuki App Save the Food, the perfect digital ally to ensure your freezer is always at your fingertips.

The app was designed and developed by the Armando Testa agency: it’s an innovative useful tool, simple to use and free of charge offers to help members of the same family or flat-mates be aware of what is to be found in their freezer. 

The campaign communication uses a creative approach borrowing the language of nature documentaries, and the freezer becomes the“natural” habitat for preservation, the cradle of food biodiversity where our food can feel protected and safe, always fresh.

Getting to know your own freezer is the most effective strategy to combat waste: with the Cuki App Save the Food all this becomes possible in an immediate and intuitive way. 

Intended for home use, even when not using Cuki products, the Cuki App Save the Food App – available on the Apple Store and Google Play – lets us know what is in our freezer at any time and when it is time to defrost our food.  5 days before the recommended defrosting date, a notification will be sent about the food to be defrosted and eaten as soon as possible.

An enormous database of more than 350 foods of different types, both fresh and cooked, means all you have to do is select what you want to freeze and the App will do all the rest, indicating on the food sheet the date of freezing, and the days until it should be defrosted. If some particular food is not included in the database, it can be added manually at any time.

The App is further enhanced with lots of other functions, such as managing more than one freezer in different houses, sharing a freezer with other members of the family and practical tips on how to correctly wrap food, and freeze and defrost it in the most suitable way.

The integrated communication campaign, starts off on 12 July and runs on an eco-system with a number of touchpoints: digital, social, TV and daily press ads.  

The campaign includes 15” video hero contents, vertical video spots on specific functions of the app, and static content with the goal of building awareness and consideration.

Media strategy managed by Media Italia, includes a mix of players with different targeting models, with online on a range of CTV devices Desktop, Mobile, Streaming audio.
Video production managed by Armando Testa Studios.


Client: Cuki Cofresco

Marketing Manager: Carlo Bertolino

Brand Manager: Elisabeth Beccaris 

Agency: Armando Testa

Executive creative direction: Michele Mariani

Digital creative direction: Gabriella De Stefano, Paolo Fenoglio

Creative team: Laura Guida, Laura Celli Volta

Social media managers: Fabio Cuscunà, Eleonora Valerisce

CTO: Marco Savojardo

Client service: Giovanna Farè, Arianna Cipolloni, Francesca Toschi

Production: Armando Testa Studios

Director Dadomani

Media: Media Italia

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The Board of Directors of Armando Testa has appointed Valentino Cagnetta Vice President.

The Board of Directors of Armando Testa has appointed Valentino Cagnetta Vice President. Already a member of the Board, Cagnetta also holds the post of CEO of Media Italia, the media centre of the Group.

“I am truly enthusiastic about this new appointment – states Valentino Cagnetta – it is further confirmation that Creativity Data and Media must work together with the great consistency, something which the Armando Testa Group has always done, but which we’ll do even more and even better from today.  

This appointment means that the Armando Testa Group, under the leadership of President and CEO, Marco Testa, and with its strong creative philosophy dating back to the genius of Armando Testa, and its passion which has endured for more than 60 years, will tackle the challenges of a continuously evolving advertising market with even stronger determination. 

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Riso Gallo and Armando Testa shine a spotlight on their line of sustainable agriculture Basmati rice: rice to enjoy grain after grain. 

Riso Gallo is getting talked about again, about its values and its goodness with a new version of their ad created by Armando Testa and dedicated to the line of Basmati rice which has been on air again from 16th July. The Black and whole red rice are the only ones in Italy that originate from sustainable agriculture. 

Just like in the original film, the star of the fun 3D animation is the over-the-top rooster. Just for a moment he splits into three and declares his love for the environment, great flavour and wellbeing: the same values embodied in the Basmati rices, Rosso and Nero Riso Gallo, and that we can enjoy as we savour them.

While the Rooster is describing the goodness of the different types of rice, the animation is interrupted to allow us to see a shot of the ingredients that come together in a spectacular way: grains of rice flying across grated carrots and fresh edamame landing on a bed of steam cooked Basmati rice, next to tempting slices of salmon. A light drizzle of soya sauce completes an irresistible poké bowl, a dish which is perfect for summer. 

The final shot of the ad returns to the Rooster, with the entire line of rices now in front of him. After reminding us that they all originate from sustainable agriculture, in his typical over the top way, he lets out a cry that is also the historical payoff of the brand: Riso Gallo, chicchiricchi of fantasy!

The commercial is on air on TV and digital in 20” cut and will be supported by social contents, always featuring the unmistakeable “look” of the friendly farmyard rooster and always with creative direction from the Armando Testa agency.

Produced by Armando Testa Studios. Planning managed by Media Italia, which has been Riso Gallo’s media centre since June.


Executive Creative Direction: Michele Mariani 

Creative team: Dario D’Angelo, Daniele Bona

Account team: Gina Graci, Federica Cartocci

Production company: Armando Testa Studios

Animation of the Gallo/rooster: H7-25 Studio

Voice of the Gallo/rooster: Paolo de Santis 

Media centre: Media Italia

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Yamaha Motor Europe launches three new editions of the Ténéré 700: World Rally, Extreme Edition and Explore Edition. Creativity developed by the Armando Testa Group.

Yamaha Motor Europe once again shifts the horizons of adventure with these three new Ténéré 700: Extreme Edition, Explore Edition and World Rally.

The Extreme Edition is designed to go beyond any limit.  The completely adjustable KYB suspension guarantees an incredible off-road experience, combined with the titanium footrests and high mudguards and the rally saddle turn every journey into an adventure seeking out the extreme. And that is exactly the concept of the campaign “Seek your Extreme”, an invitation that closes a video full of exciting riding.  

The Ténéré 700 Explore Edition, on the other hand, combines the character of Yamaha’s adventure motorbikes with innovative design conceived to reach your destination, wherever that might be. The lowered saddle, the KYB suspension and the side pannier supports mean you can far, and exploring your next horizon is precisely what the launch film describes in exciting riding which traverses breath-taking locations. “Explore your Next Horizon” is the concept that closes the creativity.

Finally, the Ténéré 700 World Rally, takes us to the world of legendary Dakar directly inspired by the motorcycles of Stéphane Peterhansel, 14 times champion of the most difficult race in the world. It is precisely Mr. Dakar himself who is the star of the creativity, introducing the new Ténéré. Even after all these years he can’t resist the temptation of the desert and adventure and today in the saddle of his new Yamaha Ténéré 700 World Rally, he can give in to this temptation in the best way possible. Co-starring in the creativity is his partner Andrea Mayer, former rally driver known as “Queen of Sands”. Exciting riding that turns out to be the pursuit of two rally legends, the creativity closes with the thrilling concept: “Legend is Calling”.

The Armando Testa Group developed the creativity for the three videos which are an invitation to discover your own limits horizons and to overcome them every time in synergy with the Production company AT Studios. The campaign will run online video, social and catalogue images.


Client: Yamaha Motor Europe

Agency: Armando Testa Group

Executive Creative Directors: Nicola Cellemme, Georgia Ferraro

Creative supervisor: Sébastien Sardet

Account director: Sascha van der Plas

Account: Martina Conterio

Production Company: AT Studios

Director: Luciano Consolini

Photography: Luciano Consolini, Chiara Ludovica Quadrelli

Photo post-production: Riccardo Corda, Sara Lucchetta

Music: Guido Smider

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