Miss Chiquita is back on the scene, with all the typical vitality, freshness and warmth she has always shown as the iconic testimonial of the famous banana with the blue sticker.

The occasion for her return is an invitation for consumers to look for the shops where you can find Chiquita bananas.

Because bananas are not all the same: only Chiquita has the taste which deserves a 10 plus score. ¨Look for it in the most CHIQ shops” is the claim which underlines the whole operation. Because the “CHIQ” shops are the only ones where you can find all the flavour and fun which have always made Chiquita stand out and there´ s no one, apart from Miss Chiquita, who is CHIQ enough to tell the story.

The campaign has been on air since 27 April with the first subject, which features our sweet sunny Miss coming down a spectacular staircase made of bananas. Unexpectedly a banana which is not a Chiquita ruins her entrance, causing her to trip up and showing how easy it is to slip on the wrong banana. After the first flight there will be a contest, always tied in to the theme of the CHIQ shops.

Miss Chiquita has also undergone substantial restyling to update her image. Considerable care and attention has been paid to developing her character to ensure that our herione is able to make everyone fall for her without losing the features which have always characterised her.

Michele Mariani was the executive creative director of the campaign created by Armando Testa. Art: Barbara Ghiotti. Copy: Anna Ponti. Production Company: Little Bull. Development of the 3D model and the animation was handled by Direct2Brain.

The planning and organisation of the initiatives includes a two-week TV campaign on the main national, digital and satellite channels, with considerable presence everyday.

In addition to TV Chiquita will also be featured in advertorials in some of the most important family titles as well as those connected to health and family wellbeing. The video can also be viewed on the web, on sites with a wide ranging audience with the goal of increasing awareness about the contest and working in synergy with the TV campaign. The theme of the contest will also have a specific focus using display activities on targeted sites, mobile and Facebook.

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After more than one year´s work Media Italia is bringing the first branded reality show www.lacasadegliassi.it/ to Italia 2.

Every Sunday starting from 27 April, at 22:45 the first Italian reality show with poker games will be aired.

La Casa degli Assi”, (The House of Aces) an original idea from PokerStars.it, starts off with the creation of the programme entrusted to Magnolia.

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Capitalising on the success of the ¨red clamp¨ TV campaign MomentAct has extended communication from 20th April to outdoor in Milan, Rome and Turin.

In addition to classical outdoor in cities it is also planned in large railway stations and the airports in Venice and Rome.

This is yet another typical demonstration of the power synthesis representative of the Armando Testa school, which certainly will not go unnoticed.

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On the occasion of the launch of their new Spring/summer collection, Conbipel is starting a new communication format. A new concept and new language developed by the Armando Testa agency, to publicise the values of the Conbipel Club: a special loyalty programme which entitles all members to enjoy advantages and exclusive discounts.

The key visual of the Spring campaign is a very long bench full of colours with a group of models hanging around it. Ideally this is the longest bench in Italy because with there’s a place for everyone in the Conbipel Con Te Club. To date more than 2 million people have already joined.

For the summer, instead, the values of the Club will be communicated through a series of

shots which representing ”the longest stroll in Italy”. The route starts off in the Cinque Terre, passes by Capri and finally ends up in the Eolie islands. This new communication format confirms once again how much the brand wants to feel close to all of Italy and the needs of Italians. Indeed, the images describe a country which really wants to feel united and to share. The campaign is developed on the web and in shop windows.

Executive creative direction by Michele Mariani, Art: Michela Repellino, Copy: Anna Ponti.

Photography by Daniele Rossi.

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On April 10, in Australia, Lavazza begins its new international advertising campaign, created by Armando Testa, to promote the launch of Minù, the brand’s A Modo Mio capsule system, and three new and exclusive blends: Lungo Gentile, Armonico, Deciso.

Lavazza’s new compact coffee maker is easy to use and fits into any space, letting you rediscover how simple it is to prepare authentic Italian espresso coffee at home with a single gesture and in a matter of seconds.

The idea behind the commercial is to tell the story of how, whenever someone on the other side of the world enjoys a cup of Lavazza coffee, every sip reveals the quality of the product, the Italian passion that goes into it and the experience of a family run company which has devoted all its energies to coffee for more than a century and four generations.

The creative translation of this idea in the commercial features the journey of an Italian barista who, whenever someone uses the Lavazza A Modo Mio coffee maker in an Australian home, sets off carrying a tray and a cup of coffee from real San Tommaso 10 in Turin, Italy, where the Lavazza story began in 1895.

From here, the barista crosses various Italian cities. During his journey, he encounters Italian experiences, good humour and savoir faire, until he finally arrives in Australia to deliver the coffee to the owner of the A Modo Mio coffee maker.

With the claim: “Lavazza. From Italy with passion”.

A Modo Mio becomes ambassador of Italian excellence combining both the artistic beauty as well as Italian know-how, such as food, fashion and, of course, coffee.

The commercial was filmed over ten days in true road movie tradition.

The two vans carrying the crew and the creative team set off from Turin and visited all Italy’s most famous cities – Milan, Venice, Florence, Pisa, Rome and Naples – before arriving finally in Sydney.

A challenging and fascinating tour during which new ideas were developed and evolved kilometer after kilometer, and in which the spirit of the commercial was lived out in real life by its authors and their travelling companions.

The “From Italy with passion” campaign will be adapted for TV, web, print, outdoor and shopping center billboards.


ARMANDO TESTA ADVERTISING AGENCY | Executive creative director: Michele Mariani | Creative and art director: Andrea Lantelme | Art: Barbara Ghiotti | Copy: Federico Bonenti | Copy: Anna Ponti | Client service: Nicola Crivelli, Roberto Ferrero

HAIBUN PRODUCTION COMPANY | Director: Danxen | Executive Producer: Cesare Fracca | Producer: Silvia Biscotti | Music: Catilina Sherman

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After the launch of the new Dreher Lemon Radler, which enjoyed great success in 2013 thanks also due to the campaign “E’ tempo di limonare” (It’s time to neck), Armando Testa is now proposing a fun operation on the web in view of the launch of the non-alcoholic version: Dreher Lemon Radler 0.0% the first non-alcoholic Radler which is perfect at any time and for any occasion.

Capitalising on the First Kiss video, which exploded on Youtube during recent weeks and which featured shy kisses between total strangers, the Dreher version shows a really passionate kiss with absolutely zero shyness, with the rallying cry “E’ SEMPRE tempo di limonare”. (“It’s ALWAYS time to neck”)

The web star is Michael Righini, a sexy partner and unfortunate director who can’t manage to make them stop.

The video is a “garage” creative product from Armando Testa, a new unit led by Jacopo Morini from the TV show “Iene”

In just 8 days the video has generated more than 3.5 million impressions on Facebook, and has been clicked more than 850,000 times with more than 30,000 likes.

* Italian slang for “to neck”

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AIL e ARMANDO TESTA per il 5×1000

L’AIL, l’Associazione Italiana da sempre impegnata nella lotta contro le leucemie, i linfomi e il mieloma, torna nuovamente in comunicazione con la campagna di sensibilizzazione per la donazione del 5×1000.

Anche quest’anno, rinnovando una collaborazione che dura dal 1996, il Gruppo Armando Testa ha messo a disposizione dell’Associazione tutta la sua esperienza ed il suo know-how creativo per sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica e stimolarla a donare il proprio 5×1000 a sostegno della ricerca scientifica portata avanti da AIL.

Lo storico visual della campagna, una sacca trasfusionale vestita con la grafica del modello 730/2014, è stato rivisitato cromaticamente e rafforzato dalla nuova head “Dichiarati donatore”.

Il nuovo annuncio comunica cosi in modo ancora più diretto ed efficace l’obiettivo dell’iniziativa: spingere i contribuenti Italiani a devolvere una parte del proprio reddito in favore della ricerca. Farlo, infatti, non costa nulla: il 5×1000 non è una tassa in più, ma una quota di imposte a cui è lo Stato a rinunciare, per destinarla alle organizzazioni no-profit.

Oltre che sul sito e sull’House Organ dell’Associazione, la campagna sarà pianificata nei mesi di aprile, maggio e giugno sui principali quotidiani e periodici nazionali e locali e sui più importanti siti web di informazione. Sarà inoltre pianificato uno spot radiofonico diffuso su Radio 24, Radio Dimensione Suono e su un circuito di più di 200 radio locali.

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Continua e si rafforza la collaborazione tra l’agenzia inTesta e il Gruppo Unipol, iniziata nel 2010 in seguito alla consultazione che ha visto l’agenzia del Gruppo Armando Testa aggiudicarsi il budget corporate e di immagine coordinata dei marchi del Gruppo Unipol.

In seguito alla fusione tra Unipol Assicurazioni e il Gruppo Fondiaria Sai, inTesta si è occupata della definizione del nuovo brand UnipolSai Assicurazioni.

Il secondo gruppo assicurativo italiano ha così un’immagine che conserva l’identità del Gruppo Unipol e le valenze concettuali di trasparenza e vicinanza espresse dai suoi marchi.

Come già avvenuto per il rebranding di Linear, compagnia assicurativa online del Gruppo, anche in questo caso l’iniziale della sigla Sai viene interpretata secondo il linguaggio e il key visual del marchio Unipol, rappresentato alla U che diventa nastro trasparente.

Il colore rosso istituzionale di Unipol Assicurazioni rafforza l’appartenenza alla divisione assicurativa.

L’agenzia inTesta ha anche definito le linee guida dell’identity del nuovo gruppo assicurativo.

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Dal 21 febbraio il Guggenheim Museum ospiterà a New York la più importante retrospettiva mai fatta in America sul Movimento Futurista:

“Italian Futurism, 1909-1944. Reconstructing the Universe”.

Lavazza, da sempre alfiere del Made in Italy, sponsorizza questo grande evento orgoglio dell’arte italiana nel mondo. L’agenzia Armando Testa, con la direzione creativa di Michele Mariani, celebra questo incontro con una campagna stampa quotidiani altamente simbolica, una tazzina di caffè che rappresenta la forma del Guggenheim Museum.

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Condivisione. Questa la parola chiave della nuova comunicazione BTL di Telecom Italia dedicata al servizio “TIM in Nave”, ideata da inTESTA – Gruppo Armando Testa.

Il servizio permette di chiamare, inviare SMS ed effettuare trasmissione dati anche in navigazione a tutti i clienti TIM e a quelli di altri operatori, anche stranieri, che abbiano stipulato uno specifico accordo con TIM.

La tecnologia sviluppata da Telecom Italia consente alle navi in viaggio, tramite un link satellitare, di essere connesse alla rete mobile e usufruire di tutti servizi normalmente disponibili a terra.

Con un linguaggio e un’iconografia molto riconoscibile e identificativa del concetto di “sharing”, il messaggio illustra le potenzialità del servizio, che anche in mare aperto permette agli utenti di chiamare, chattare, navigare, inviare e-mail.

La creatività BTL sarà pianificata a bordo delle navi da crociera e traghetti delle compagnie di navigazione leader di mercato, come ad esempio: MSC Crociere, Grandi Navi Veloci, Grimaldi Lines, Minoan Lines.

A supporto del servizio la società del Gruppo Armando Testa specializzata nella comunicazione BTL, ha ideato anche diversi materiali di comunicazione, che saranno veicolati a bordo nave: una wallet-card informativa che illustra nel dettaglio le caratteristiche del servizio, una “affissione digitale” e stickers.

La creatività è stata inoltre personalizzata per diverse Compagnie Armatrici, declinata per i supporti su nave e inserita nei cataloghi istituzionali.

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