MediaWorld launches the campaign “Your dreams come true”, in collaboration with Disney, linked to the new December prize winning contest. Created by Armando Testa.

On the occasion of the centenary of their Studios, Disney presents their new film Wish – desiderio – in cinemas from 21st December, and they are getting ready to make another generation of kids dream.

At the same time, thanks to a new marketing initiative and a magical prize-winning contest dedicated to holders of the Mediaworld CLUB card, MediaWorld is getting ready to make the dreams of their clients, of all ages, come true. With Christmas approaching we feel that we can make a wish for something, even something big. That’s the idea behind the project created by Armando Testa which brings together MediaWorld and Disney. Because wishes can come true with the magic of a star or, why not, thanks to technology.

These presumptions were the starting points for MediaWorld’s new omnichannel campaign. On air from 1st December, it will run for the whole month, and supports the new offers and promotions running from 1st to 7th as well as the prize-winning contest that ends  on 31st.

For the whole month, using a communication plan that includes the use of TV and a mix of traditional and digital media, the “I wish…” from Asha, the protagonist of Wish, will come true thanks to MediaWorld’s special offers. 

From 1st to 7th December you can get up to 400€ in a MediaWorld Gift card,  to spend in any one of the 129 physical stores located throughout the country and on e-commerce

This is the formula:

-spending a minimum of 500€ the client will receive a MediaWorld Gift Card with a value of 50€;

-spending a minimum of €1.000, a Gift Card of 150€;

-spending a minimum of €2.000, a Gift Card of 400€.

In addition, throughout the month of December, if holders of the MediaWorld CLUB card make a purchase, they qualify to take part in a final draw worth 20.000€ to make a closet dream come true. Finally, all holders of MediaWorld CLUB card, no purchase necessary, will receive the “Calendario dei Desideri MediaWorld”, (MediaWorld Calendar of wishes)from which a range of prizes can be downloaded every week.

Regarding the media mix, the goal was to communicate the campaign in collaboration with Disney to clients on a range of touchpoints. The ad will be shown on main television channels and connected TV to reach a more digitalized audience known as “Light TV Viewers” who exploit the contents of Linear TV less and less. To complement this, a strong campaign will also be planned on YouTube, accompanied by large size visibility formats on the best-known information sites, as well as social and network media linked to the world of shopping & offers.

“We are very happy with the partnership with Disney given the consistency between target and messages” states Vittorio Buonfiglio MediaWorld COO “The spirit of the film of the centenary of the Studios is particularly trans-generational and that’s why the campaign captures the attention of a wide scope of the public and, in addition, there is a strong overlap of common values. Indeed, technology is not just an object of desire but also an enabling means to realise the aspirations and objectives everyone is aiming for with tenacity and hope”.

“The process of choosing campaign partners and testimonials is proving ever more delicate and strategic” says Sylvain Querné MediaWorld Digital & Marketing Director “Thanks to a data-driven approach, along with the experience of a cross-cutting team of professionals and the functions of the companywe can assess a high number of variables which are constantly increasing. Indeed, marketing activities take account of a growing number of physical and digital touchpoints, the evolution of client preferences and cultural and generational sensitivities, as well as the level of coherence and effectiveness reflected in each of the product categories distributed”.

Francesco Sodano head of Omnichannel Marketing adds: “the media mix choice takes into consideration both the omnichannel spirit which is typical of MediaWorld’s offer as well as the way the use of media is evolving, becoming ever more diverse. In addition, the company successfully balances the objectives of acquisition and retention with strong promotion of the MediaWorld CLUB. Thanks to all the touchpoints, it offers the growing number of people who take advantage of the free membership, discounts, promotions and reward initiatives”.


Leading consumer electronics chain in Europe with over 1000 megastores, MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group operates in Italy as MediaWorld, sector leader in the country. MediaWorld currently has 129 points of sale located throughout Italy.

Digital & Marketing Director: Sylvain Querné

Head of Omnichannel Marketing: Francesco Sodano

Trade Marketing Senior Specialist: Debora Gorla

Head of Brand & Traditional Media: Mauro Miccoli

Brand Management: Mattia Alberto De Marco

Traditional Media Buying: Luca Mondo

Head of Digital Marketing: Andrea Tisato

Digital Media Buying: Giorgia Patricelli

Social Media & Content Manager: Margherita Dongiovanni

Art Director: Fernando Conti

Content Manager: Andrea Petoletti

Loyalty & CRM Manager: Matteo Scianni

Campaign Credits 

Agency: Armando Testa Group 

Executive creative direction: Georgia Ferraro, Nicola Cellemme 

Creative team: Lorenzo Blangiardo, Maria Meioli 

Account team: Emanuele Cicogna Mozzoni, Chiara Simone, Irene Maria Albano 

Production Company: AT Studios


Davide Rossi

Lorena Bragotto 

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Le Stagioni d’Italia on TV once again: a story of excellence created by Armando Testa.

Le Stagioni d’Italia, the brand of excellent Italian products which is part of the BF Group, is on TV, digital, and social channels with a new communication campaign. 

The project was conceived and produced by the Armando Testa Group and it uses a recognizable and representative symbol to tell the story of the brand. A large size ear of Senatore Cappelli wheat, enhanced with a typical black moustache which turns into a pen moving across the fields as it writes a new story: about Le Stagioni d’Italia and its products. A knowing pathway where pasta, a source of protein and low in fat and sugar,  and which satisfies people’s wish for goodness and wellbeing, is transported from the field to the table.  This desire literally takes shape in the wheat field and comes true every day on Italians’ tables. 

The Armando Testa agency created a campaign where the stars are pasta and pizza with Grano Senatore Cappelli. 

Together with Le Stagioni d’Italia, a corporate film for BF was also launched: a 90”  video,  where the big ear of wheat, the origin of everything, rewrites the story of the group on the field: a story that looks to the future and of which this is just the beginning. 

The whole project is accompanied by an exceptional sound track that shares the same spirit as the brand – Italian and visionary: L’isola che non c’è by Edoardo Bennato.

Armando Testa Studios handled the production.


Executive Creative Directors: Nicola Cellemme, Georgia Ferraro

Creative Team: Roberta Campagna, Luisa Codispoti

Team Account: Eugenia Cesile, Chiara Marchetti

Production Company: Armando Testa Studios

3D Animation: Band

Music: Edoardo Bennato

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The solidarity chain between the Francesca Rava Foundation and Armando Testa continues this year too.

The initiative In farmacia per i bambini, (in pharmacies for children) promoted by the Francesca Rava Foundation – NPH Italia ETS, dedicated to raising awareness of children’s rights has started in Italian pharmacies for the eleventh edition to support kids.  From 17 to 24 November you can donate over-the-counter medicines, baby food and pediatric products for kids in health poverty.

The initiative is being publicized on TV, radio and in participating pharmacies with a pro bono campaign created by the Armando Testa agency which has always been very committed to social issues, as shown by their long tradition of no profit campaigns. The Testa Group decided to support the Foundation again with their creativity and with the participation of a historical testimonial.

This year too Martina Colombari will act as spokesperson for the initiative and she will literally set off the chain of solidarity, represented by a domino of drugs that fall throughout the whole city to finally reach another part of the world, just like the aid provided by the Francesca Rava Foundation.

The exceptional team has all offered their help free of charge and is completed by director Federico Cambria, with director of photography Eleonora Castiello and production company Akita. The press photo was shot by Lorenzo Palizzolo. The location for the shooting is the Ambreck pharmacy in Milan.

Agency: Armando Testa

Executive Creative Directors: Nicola Cellemme, Georgia Ferraro
Creative Team: Roberta Campagna, Luisa Codispoti
Account Service: Irene Maria Albano

Production Company: Akita

Executive producer: Davide Rizzi 

Producer: Sonia Sassella

Director: Federico Cambria 

DOP: Eleonora Castiello 

Director of production: Komlan Ahianvi

Post production: You Are

Photographer: Lorenzo Palizzolo

Radio: Top digital

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Acqua Valmora launches their new communication campaign created by Armando Testa.

Acqua Valmora has chosen the Armando Testa agency for their new communication campaign by direct assignation.

An uncontaminated mountain park, a special testimonial and a source of pure water, are the three central concepts around which Valmora is redefining its positioning.

The new campaign actually describes the place where Acqua Valmora originates: the Montano di Rorà Park, certified by PEFC (Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes), the most stringent forest certification system in the world.

The ad was entirely shot in the park, and features a special testimonial: a sweet little fawn acting as a guide as we discover this uncontaminated place. The baby fawn, with its sweet eyes, represents purity and instinct and it is the latter that guides it towards the source. So, just as it’s in the nature of the fawn to recognise and choose the purest water, we too driven by our instinct, are looking for purity for our wellbeing.

“Our water undergoes minimal mineralisation and it is a premium-quality product with certified origin. This is the focus of the new advertising campaign. The creativity from Armando Testa succeeds in promoting and interpreting this thanks to a special testimonial who will certainly win us over”, affirms Luca Ruffini, General Managing of the Damilano Group. 

“The source of your nature” is the advertising campaign claim which will be on air from Sunday 12 November on main TV channels, social and digital channels with static and dynamic formats. 

Advanced techniques of motion graphics were used to develop the character, allowing the magic and beauty of 3D to coexist with the uncontaminated nature of the Montano di Rorà Park. 

The plan for extended media includes a press campaign to run in national dailies and sports titles, as well as an on field domination operation for the Nitto ATP Finals in Turin where Acqua Valmora is a Gold Partner. 

The production was managed by Armando Testa Studios. 

Media Planning: Personal Media 


Client: Acqua Valmora
Marketing Manager: Claudia Rosso
Agency: Armando Testa
Creative direction: Jacopo Morini, Fabiano Pagliara                                                                Creative team: Sarin Demirdjian, Francesca Graziani 

Client service: Andrea Cantore
Production Company: Armando Testa Studios 

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Embrace nature and beauty comes to life. L’Erbolario launches its new campaign with the, Armando Testa group.

L’Erbolario, an Italian excellence in the sector of cosmetics from plant origins, is celebrating 45 years since its founding. On this occasion they have entrusted Armando Testa, by direct assignation, with the development of a new integrated communication project. The first step in the new collaboration was a strategic workshop where the agency and client worked as a team to define the values the brand embodies, identifying the most important assets of the Brand Belief, the communication objectives and the creative territory to dominate.

With their commitment to ensuring 100% made in Italy production, L’Erbolario has always cultivated the idea of beauty which is accessible to everyone. They combine the care and meticulousness of an artisan herbalist with the science and research and innovation of a forward-thinking company. What makes them unique is that their production is in total harmony with nature: L’Erbolario has always supported ethical cosmetics, and in 2021 it decided to become a Benefit Company, confirming its commitment to acting in a sustainable, inclusive and transparent way with regard to people, animals and the environment. 

 “Every choice we make, even the smallest ones, counts” – says Luigi Bergamaschi, Marketing Director of L’Erbolario and one of the two children of the founders – and today we want to make more and more people aware of how our story, our values and our commitment are reflected every day in every one of our products. Choosing L’Erbolario means choosing to be part of this difference.”

And it was precisely from this discovery that the visual and conceptual idea for the new campaign came to life: l’Abbraccio (the Embrace). An iconic and symbolic embrace between man and nature, and, above all, a mutual embrace. As if the flowers, leaves, plants and trees were all clinging tightly onto those who take so much from them, but who also give them so much back in return. The first two subjects, Ortensia and Tiglio, (Hydrangea and Linden) together with the new claim “Chi abbraccia la natura fa nascere bellezza” (Embrace nature and bring beauty to life) were filmed in the nature park belonging to L’Erbolario, a clear choice strongly desired by Franco Bergamaschi and Daniela Villa, founders of L’Erbolario, and their children Giulia and Luigi indeed by the whole company team. Every day they pay the utmost attention to respecting the concept of “authenticity and transparency” which makes L’Erbolario such a unique and special story. 

“We were struck by L’Erbolario’s philosophy – the words of the Armando Testa team – Today sustainability is a widely used word, sometimes “abused”. For L’Erbolario it was a founding pillar of a precise choice made 45 years ago, and a key commitment never taken for granted. A desire to establish an equitable relationship with nature, based on the principle that every gift the earth gives us should always be returned, this is an example of enlightened management which makes us proud to work together.”

The campaign will be on air from mid-November 2023 and it will be a multi-channel project, developed for press, digital, social, up to 180 stores and signs for more than 4 thousand official stockists.

The Digital Unit of the Armando Testa Group was tasked with developing an all-inclusive digital video strategy, entirely created by Armando Testa Studios, which includes the development of a range of video subjects – Family, Methods, Territory – which describe the Brand and its value, as well as videos featuring interviews which give an insight into the L’Erbolario world thanks to the words and storytelling from L’Erbolario people and the founders of the company. We learn more about the themes of innovation, the labs, bio-diversity, environment and sustainability, science, research and security.  The team was also responsible for managing the look and feel of the section on the site, in harmony with the key visual of the Embrace, it illustrates the new campaign concept and contains all the product contents. 


Creative Direction: Monica Pirocca and Michela Sartorio

Digital creative Direction: Paolo Fenoglio and Gabriella De Stefano

Head of Strategy: Guglielmo Pezzino

Client Director: Stefano Salvatore

Strategic Team: Matteo Belcastro

Creative Team: Chiara De Michelis, Chiara Bonventre, Francesca Palazzo

Social Media Manager: Sara Zavattaro

Photographic Shots: Marco Bertani

Post production: Alessandro Bavari 

Agent: Carla Pozzi

Video Production Company: Armando Testa Studios

Director: Luca Grafner

Music: OperaMusic

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With Tesori D’Oriente and InTesta, every day is an enchanted journey for your senses.

We all know that a perfume can stimulate and enshroud all our senses. It has an evocative and almost hypnotic power that lets us get in touch with our deepest emotions, escaping for a moment form the here and now. 

But only a few perfumes have the power to let us travel and transport us far off to a dimension of pure wellbeing, giving us a sensation of pleasure and harmony and letting us experience a precious journey for our senses. 
Which ones? They’re the perfumes that encompass a culture and tradition, memories and even desire. They’re the Tesori d’Oriente fragrances.

This is the insight behind the new TV campaign created by inTesta –Armando Testa Group, for the iconic Italian brand that, for 25 years has been inspired by ancient well-being rituals from oriental wisdom to create all-embracing and inimitable essences that evoke the charm of distant lands. 

The underlying idea of the campaign is precisely that – a journey triggered by the perfume: a multi- dimensional and multi-sensory experience, but incredibly true, precisely because it can stimulate all five senses.  Spaying the Tesori d’Oriente perfumes on herself, the star of the video sets off on an exciting and immersive adventure, which will lead her to discover enchanting places, full of charm, history and culture. 

A journey that starts off again every time, as she follows her pathway and discovers a new fragrance. 

Why do we all need such an experience? Because, often caught up in our daily routines, we forget the importance of taking a minute out and dedicating a precious moment for ourselves. Treating ourselves to a well-being ritual that nourishes our body and soul with emotions. Starting off from the sense of smell.  

At the beginning of the video, we see the protagonist, overwhelmed by the stress of everyday life. She sits down on a bench looking like someone who really needs to escape. It is precisely at that moment that she pulls her Tesori d’Oriente Hammam out of her bag and as she sprays it, she is literally transported afar.  We rediscover her in Morocco, enjoying a relaxing moment in a wonderful swimming pool of a riad shrouded in flower petals. This is the setting where she discovers another fragrance: Ayurveda, and, as if under a spell it transports her to an Indian market where she discovers traditional colours, spices and perfumes. And to finish off, here she discovers Muschio Bianco which in a flash will catapult her to a wonderful mountain wood where the serenity and freshness of nature all around  intoxicates her. 

But like every journey, sooner or later, the experience draws to a close.  At the end of the video the protagonist is back where we left her – in the city – but we can clearly see on her face that she is relaxed with an expression of well-being. All of a sudden, we discover that the woman is not alone as we’d thought. There’s someone sitting on the bench, not far from her, who is looking at her, curious to find out what an incredible experience she’s had. That’s the very moment when the woman decides to share her well-being, by spontaneously offering her Tesori d’Oriental perfume to the stranger next to her. For him too this will mark the beginning of a new, precious journey of the senses.

The planning also means that the brand can introduce the latest ritual developed by the Tesori d’Oriente experience, the Karma ritual, inspired by the Hindu tradition, celebrating the power of kindness. 

The TV campaign, directed by Michele Bizzi, includes 30’’and 20’’videos and is also supported by a press campaign, POP and digital with video cuts of 15’’ and 10’’.  


• Agency: InTesta – Armando Testa Group

• Executive Creative Directors: Nicola Cellemme, Georgia Ferraro

• Creative Team: Chiara Panattoni, Carlotta Gilardi

• Client Director: Laura Alberti

• Account Executive: Erika Gentile 

• Production company: Albatros Film

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Yamaha Motor Europe and Armando Testa unleash the Dark Side with the new MT-09 E MT-09 SP campaigns

Yamaha Motor Europe is communicating again with a new chapter in the Dark Side of Japan to introduce the new MT-09 e MT-09 SP with two campaigns created once again by Armando Testa.

Unleash your Darkness is the concept of the new MT-09 campaign, and it is an invitation from the brand to free that dark side which guides the riders deepest impulses.

Scene after scene, curve after curve in the saddle of the new MT-09, the protagonist reveals his dark side: everything all around him seems to quiver with energy and the night time city catapults him into an evocative and futurist Tokyo.

The treatment of the video presents an innovative use of generative AI meaning that the full visionary spirit of the Dark Side of Japan can be captured to the max conveying the dreamlike sensations experienced by the rider onboard his bike.

An AI technique that Yamaha Motor Europe and AT Studios just had to experiment with.

Thanks to its top-level technical features, the new MT-09SP represents the pinnacle of the Masters of Torque: thanks to its extreme performance, this is a bike that challenges you to dare. The rider’s adrenalin filled riding is a challenge to get the better of his dark side where every acceleration demonstrates the power unleased by the new Dark Side of Japan.

This new campaign is the representation of the purest Darkness: futuristic mood, top-level performance, adrenalin ad technology summed up in the Master of Darkness concept.


Client: Yamaha Motor Europe

Agency: Armando Testa Group

Executive creative direction: Nicola Cellemme and Georgia Ferraro

Creative supervisor: Sebastien Sardet

Creative team: Lorenzo Blangiardo, Maria Meioli

Client service director: Sascha van der Plas

Account executive: Martina Conterio

Production company: Armando Testa Studios

Director: DI•AL

DoP: Diego Indraccolo

Photographer: Alessio Barbanti

Post Production & Colour correction: BAND

Photo post production: Riccardo Corda, Sara Lucchetta

Music: Sarah Eisenfizs

Sound: Smider Noise
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MediaWorld launches “The most colourful Black Friday ever”:  the new innovative  omnichannel campaign created by Armando Testa now on air – colouring the whole month of November with discounts and promotions.  

Verano Brianza, 2 November 2023 – Based on recent analysis conducted by GFK on behalf of Media World regarding the current climate about consumption in Italy, it emerges that after a recovery at the end of 2022, consumer confident has taken a downward turn. Among the main reasons for this gloomy forecast from Italian consumers; GFK notes the on-going inflationary period, the reduction in welfare benefits, and a particularly delicate geopolitical global situation, both in Europe and the Mediterranean. This complex background has forced 68% of Italians to opt for saving strategies with the goal of maintaining a level of wellbeing and personal gratification: multi-channel research, anti-waste choices and an inclination for top performance throughout the product life cycle, emerge as the top of mind factors for consumers in 2023.   

So, if on the one hand the year has been dominated by a non-positive sentiment, what has re-emerged stronger than ever, is the great appeal of Black Friday, always according to the GFK analysis, 60% of the population consider it very important, especially GenZ, Millninals and GenX.  Indeed, consumers are looking for strong allies who support them in the buying phase guiding them towards quality choices and undoubted value for money. Last but not least, it emerges that a good 78% of Italians consider communication and closeness of the retailer decisive and useful when deciding to make a purchase, both in the research stage, but above all, during the actual act of purchase.

“As market leader, we see it as our specific responsibility to bring innovation and new approaches which put the client at the centre, with initiatives that can reiterate how close we are to their needs as well as our ability to forecast such needs.” Comments Guido Monferrini, CEO of MediaWorld. “At a time that is objectively complex and where many see things in a negative light, it seemed essential for us to send out a strong signal with promotions that will continue for the whole month of November and a high impact campaign to restore tone and colour to 2023”.

Against a background where Black Friday promotions all look the same and all use black for the background colour MediaWorld is launching a campaign to illustrate, in a surprising way, just how unique its Black Friday is. Because MediaWorld’s Black Friday is much more than just a day of special offers: it will last an entire month with a whole range of different products on offer and bargains to tempt everyone. So, there’s just one way to define this Black Friday: the most colourful ever.

That’s the claim that kicks off the new campaign created by Armando Testa, featuring an exceptional star who is very well-known in both social media and on TV thanks to successful programmes such as LOL – (Who laughs is out), Italia’s Got Talent and Beijing Express: Gianluca Fru. One of the well-known talents from The Jackal collective, loved by both Gen Z and millennials. His comedy and curious, irreverent behaviour make him the ideal character to describe the changes that MediaWorld wants to promote with the next Black Friday.

From his all-black apartment, Fru makes an appeal for a more colourful Black Friday with a wide range of offers to surprise you. Fru will actually ask for a Black FrUday. So, wave after wave, offer after offer, MediaWorld will accompany him into a new super colourful world, full of unmissable offers.

The campaign will run throughout November with 3 consecutive waves until Cyber Monday and it includes both TV and the brand’s digital and social channels, using a series of contents where Fru has fun discovering and telling us about the most colourful Black Friday ever. Or, as he would say Black Fruday.

“The choice of a testimonial like Gianluca Fru, fully reflects our approach which is ironic but at the same time always attentive to all sensitivities. In fact, everyone can identify with a character with contagious friendliness and thanks to his light-hearted and self-irony, he encourages us to view with trust the big and small challenges, typical of everyone’s routine life” comments Vittorio Buonfiglio, MediaWorld COO

With respect to the media mix, the choices were made with the aim to be near our clients in all the phases of the funnel and to draw attention to the dynamics in the use of the media, which is increasingly digitalized and mixed. The communication also includes a video developed for both linear TV as well as Connected TV in addition to Youtube preroll and Social versions. As far as digital display is concerned, the campaign will  feature on general information sites and vertical sites in the world of shopping & offers and finally, there’s an audio plan with coverage from main traditional broadcasters and all digital platforms. 

“The media strategy we studied, reflects the omnichannel approach which makes Mediaworld stand out. It allows us to take advantage of all touchpoints in an integrated way, capitalizing on all the assets at our disposal: owned, paid and earned media both online and offline in a full funnel prospective.” Points out Francesco Sodano Head of Omnichannel Marketing who adds “the campaign also will evolve around storytelling during each of the three waves using six episodes where Fru will star in a fun miniseries that will hold high attention from the audience and will arouse curiosity throughout November.”

View the campaign at the following link

The first consumer electronics chain in Europe with over 1,000 megastores, MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group operates in Italy with the MediaWorld brand, the leading company in this sector in the country. Currently MediaWorld is present with 127 points of sale located throughout Italy.

Digital & Marketing Director: Sylvain Querné

Head of Omnichannel Marketing: Francesco Sodano

Head of Brand & Traditional Media: Mauro Miccoli

Brand Management: Mattia Alberto De Marco

Traditional Media Buying: Luca Mondo

Head of Digital Marketing: Andrea Tisato

Social Media & Content Manager: Margherita Dongiovanni

Art Director: Fernando Conti

Content Manager: Andrea Petoletti

Campaign Credits

Agency Armando Testa Group

Executive creative direction: Georgia Ferraro, Nicola Cellemme

Creative team: Maria Meioli, Lorenzo Blangiardo, Davide Carretta, Roberto Capodanno

Account team: Emanuele Cicogna Mozzoni, Chiara Simone

Social media manager: Fabio Cuscunà

Production and post-production: Armando Testa Studios

Director: Augusto Storero

Dop: Luca Esposito

Digital videomaking on set: Luca Grafner

Photographer: Massimo Bellotto

Credit Fru

Talent Management: The Jackal – Anna Manzo, Cecilia Rotunno


Davide Rossi

Lorena Bragotto  

BCW Global Press Office Contacts for MediaWorld


Gioele Grisetti

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XSR900 GP: Yamaha Motor Europe and Armando Testa launch the new icon of Sport Heritage.

Yamaha Motor Europe and the Armando Testa agency have consolidated their long-standing collaboration with the launch of a new model in the Sport Heritage segment. 

Since the creation of Faster Sons in 2015, the segment has represented the heritage and passion for the world of motorcycle racing and in general for a vintage aesthetic combined with a modern twist. All the models represent the synthesis of timeless design with state-of-the-art technology.

Today an icon has been born: the new XSR900 GP is a tribute to the unforgettable racing Yamaha of the ’80s and ’90s, a period of great success for the brand and its riders. 

The campaign was conceived for true enthusiasts and has a twofold objective: on the one hand to involve the audience with an exciting story, and on the other to describe a “beast” ready to get running and, at the same time, a piece of art to admire. 

The hero comes home, stops and admires his new bike and in his memory, he starts running through a sequence of images of the old YZR. His desire to get riding grows, his hand begin to tremble, his eyes full of adrenalin.  The new XSR900 GP is right there, as if on the altar of racing history, and it seems to be waiting for him.

The new bike might have just been born, but it’s already an icon for all fans: Born Iconic, as the claim declares. 

The campaign includes three different cuts of 90’’, 30’’ and 15’’, as well as a 10” teaser, press and catalogues images. It has been planned on all the brand’s digital and social channels.


Agency: Armando Testa Group

Executive creative direction: Nicola Cellemme and Georgia Ferraro

Creative supervisor: Sebastien Sardet

Creative team: Roberto Capodanno, Gaetano Corvino, Davide Carretta

Client service director: Sascha van der Plas

Account executive: Martina Conterio

Production company: Armando Testa Studios

Director: Luciano Consolini

DP: Luigi Gamba

Photographers: Chiara Quadrelli and Luciano Consolini

Colour correction: Claudio Beltrami

Photo post production: Walkin Studio

Music and SFX: Guido Smider

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With BioNike and InTesta, it’s time to widen the horizons of your beauty.

The first wrinkles, the loss of tone, luminosity and elasticity…the closer a woman comes to a mature age, the more she might feel that the horizon of beauty, appearing less glowing and fresh than it used to,  is approaching. But why should a woman’s age mark the limits of her beauty?

The passage of time leads a woman to see her own horizon of beauty with fear and distrust. It’s time to reconsider this concept from a new point of view and enhance your skin with the most suitable treatments for every season of your life. Only in this way can a new horizon open in before you – much wider and more aware – that you can now look at, and face the passage of time with positivity and confidence.

“Widen the horizon of your beauty” is the concept at the base of the BioNike campaign, created by InTesta – Armando Testa Group, for the new communication of the entire range of Defence My Age, the specific dermo-cosmetic treatments to enhance the quality of any woman’s skin, depending on her age.

In the video, three women from 40 to 60 move around in pleasant, ethereal setting, featuring wide open panoramas and natural elements. We watch them as they walk on mirrors resting on a stretch of water and look at the horizon – a metaphorical symbol of life – stretching out before them, with the pride of those who are aware that each age has its beauty.

Each setting is characterised by a different coloured sky, a symbolic representation of the colours of the various product lines but also of the different phases in a woman’s life.  A woman able to look at progress of time by widening not only her idea of beauty but also her approach to skincare; and able to take care of her skin with products developed for her needs: reactive the over 40s, renewing it after 50 and reinforcing it once you’ve passed 60.

The TV campaign, directed by Giorgio Neri, includes a TV ad featuring the whole range and three specific ads for each of the product lines: Defence My Age Pearl for women 40 and above, Defence My Age for those over 50 and Defence My Age Gold, for over 60s.

The 20’’ TV ad dedicated to communication of the entire range has been on air since 15 October. The entire communication of BioNike Defence My Age is supported by a press campaign, POP and digital, with shorter cuts for social channels.


• Agency InTesta – Armando Testa Group

• Executive Creative Directors: Nicola Cellemme, Georgia Ferraro

• Creative Team: Chiara Panattoni, Carlotta Gilardi

• Client Director: Laura Alberti

• Account Executive: Erika Gentile

• Production Company: Albatros Film

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