Back 3 March 2025

A  new appeal to tenderness: the kids from Tenderly and Armando Testa are back.

A  new appeal to tenderness: the kids from Tenderly and Armando Testa are back.

After a little more than a year since the first Tenderly campaign from the  Armando Testa Agency, the kids once again draw our attention to the importance that tenderness should always have in our lives. 

In lots of everyday situations at home, the little kids literally interrupt the routine of their parents, who are often distracted, and with the spontaneity and sweetness that only little kids can show, they invite all of us to perform “little gestures” so as to never forget such an important value. 

With strategic consultancy from the Agency,  the brand wanted the  communication to evolve while still dominating a very precise positioning (that of tenderness) and a distinctive language for this product category (the voice of the kids).

This led to the creation of  a completely different ad, with new protagonists,  but to ensure continuity it still maintains some of iconic gestures, such as the use of the roll of toilet paper as a megaphone and as  a telescope.

The ad was produced by the AT Studios and directed by Tommaso Bertè, and airs from 2nd March in cuts of 30” and 15”, widespread planning on radio, digital and social channels will follow. In parallel,  the same Armando Testa Group has developed a social strategy which includes the publication throughout the year of a lengthy series of new contents in line with the fundamental idea behind the campaign. 

“The kids are still the protagonists, undisputed representatives of the three most important features of the brand Tenderly: tenderness, softness and delicacy. – comments Giovanni Monti, Lucart Corporate Sales & Marketing Director Consumer.

“The  Armando Testa agency managed once again to make the story of the brand both tangible and credible, consisting of small, tender family shots of what takes place in our homes every day. And indeed just this year the brand – adds Giovanni Monti – is celebrating its 50th anniversary.

The new Tenderly ad, confirms the strategy of the new style of communication which the brand started more than a year ago.  The story always focuses on the value of “tenderness”, a dominant and more than ever contemporary value.”  comments Michele Mariani, Executive Creative Director of the Armando Testa Group. It’s the little kids in the film who remind us how important tenderness is and who invite us to make room for gentleness, empathy and little gestures of affection.”


Client: Lucart S.p.A.

Agency: Armando Testa S.p.A.

Executive Creative Director: Michele Mariani
Creative team : Andrea Lantelme, Sara Greco

Social contents creative team: Laura Guida, Laura Celli Volta

Client Director: Gina Graci

Head of Social Content: Valentina Salaro

Social Media Manager: Sara Zavattaro

Production Company: AT Studios

Director: Tommy Bertè

DOP: Karim Andreotti

Music: Sing Sing Music

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